Elliott Jacobson

Elliott Jacobson


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Obituary of Elliott Jacobson

It is with great sadness that we share with you the news of the death of Elliott Jacobson z"l, who passed away on Sunday, February 13th in Florida.  Elliott was the husband of Betty Jacobson, father of Temple Sinai member Larry Jacobson, the late Alan Jacobson z"l, father-in-law of Temple Sinai member Carol Marcus and the grandfather of Courtney, Brooke, Chelsea and Jamie Jacobson.  A memorial service was held in Florida.Donations can be made in Elliott's memory to the Alan C. Jacobson Memorial Fund at Temple Sinai.Let us share prayers and sympathy and condolence for the Jacobson family.HaMakom yenachem etkhem b'tokh sh'ar aveilei tzion v'rushalayim.May God comfort you along with all who mourn in Zion and Jerusalem.