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Obituary of Frances Wolpo
Frances Wolpo passed away on April 4, 2022 at the age of 96. The family is grateful she went painlessly and enjoyed life right up to the end. “Fran” is survived by 3 children, Esther Yenkinson (of Denver), Robert Wolpo (of Albuquerque), Debra Hoffheimer (of Cincinnati); sister Roberta Pepper; 9 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. It all started with her 55 year marriage to Abraham “Abe” Wolpo who was born in Israel. They were accomplished ball room dancers and active in the local Jewish community.
Fran is best remembered as a longtime member of Hadassah, traveling to Israel several times and even meeting with Golda Meier. She worked the phones for Hadassah until she was in her 80’s.
A service will be held at the Hebrew Educational Alliance at 1:30PM, Sunday April 10th; Interment to follow at Mt. Nebo Memorial Park; Livestream of chapel service and interment on the Feldman Mortuary YouTube channel.
Shiva will take place on Sunday (4/10) and Monday (4/11) evening at the home of Sarah Grope, granddaughter of Fran. 6076 S Chester Way, Greenwood Village Co 80111. 5PM to 8 PM.
The family requests donations to Hadassah in lieu of Flowers.