Thursday, May 11, 2023
I knew Ed for about 15 years through various aviation affiliated groups, such as Wings Over the Rockies ASM, Daedalians, and an informal group of guys that met at Lulu’s on Saturdays. Ed was our “token Navy Pilot.” I was enthralled by him regaling us with his adventures flying recon missions in a P2V Neptune in the South China Sea. (Today, these missions would be revealed as “Spy flights.”) As a fellow Airline Pilot, (not United) we would often compare notes flying the line. I also admired him for flying the DC-8 for ORBIS.
Ed was a great pilot and greater friend. Using some of my limited Navy jargon, I’ll say, “Bravo Zulu, Ed” and wish you “Fair Winds and Following Seas.” Ron, Dan, and I will miss you, Brother.